
Why join Alternatives North?

Benefits to joining Alternatives North include:

  • A place to find common ground on your key social, environmental and economic concerns, and move forward with them with the insights of the membership
  • An ability to get things done on behalf of civil society; unmuzzled advocacy
  • Depth of understanding and historical background in many policy areas
  • Reaching out to people through our moderated listserve
  • Alternatives North may co-sponsor your events
  • Territorial-wide links to organized labour, churches, anti-poverty, women and environmental organizations
  • Links to policy expertise, both within Alternatives North and its associates in academia
  • Access to members’ only information
  • Mutual support and solidarity

Anyone interested in our goals is welcome to join our weekly meetings at noon on Wednesdays in the Ecology North boardroom Yellowknife. Zoom link is available.

Alternatives North works for you, and with your support and suggestions we will be able to continue building a progressive North.

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Cheque Method

Please send cheque payments to:

Alternatives North
PO Box 444
Yellowknife, NT
X1A 2N2

Cash or E-Transfer Method

Please email to make payment arrangements.