Register – NWT Basic Income Guarantee Online Forum


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By alternativesnorth

Please join Alternatives North and the Basic Income Canada Network on Wednesday, February 15, 1:30-3:30pm for an online forum to learn about how a Basic Income Guarantee works and share your ideas on how one could be developed for the Northwest Territories.

If you can make the event, or even if you cannot, please take a few minutes to answer these BACKGROUND QUESTIONS to help us plan the discussion for the Forum.

What? A Forum to learn about what a Basic Income Guarantee is, how it works in other places, and to discuss what it could look like in the Northwest Territories.

When? Wednesday, February 15, 2023, 1:30pm-3:30pm MST

Where? Online, on Zoom. Your free “digital ticket” will have a Zoom link that will go live 30 minutes before the event starts. But just in case, here’s the link as well:

– Speaker 1: Suzette Montreuil from Alternatives North, Welcome and Background
– Speaker 2: Sheila Regehr, Basic Income Canada Network Chair, What is a Basic Income Guarantee, – how does it work and what could one look like in the NWT? 
– Breakout Rooms: Participants will go into online breakout rooms to ask questions, share ideas and perspectives.
– Group discussion and wrap up. 

This is a free event. All are welcome to participate and share their views in facilitated discussion groups.

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