After Covid, Future Challenges


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By alternativesnorth

Alternatives North has prepared a series of columns on how Covid-19 presents urgent needs to deal with climate, social and economic challenges.  Read an Introduction to the series of columns on the Covid emergency.

Read about the Doughnut Economics, a way of looking at many things at once, and quickly understanding how well or poorly we are managing major social and environmental factors for the long-term well-being of all.

Covid-19 demonstrates the essential elements of a strong, publically funded health care system, and the need for social expenditures to reduce the level of ill health in the population.  Read about the health recovery that must reinforce our commitment to put health.

While the mortality figures of Covid-19 are startling, climate change mortality from droughts, floods, storms, heat waves and other impacts is well over the Covid death rate this every year, and climbing.  Read about the enduring challenge of this Climate Emergency.

Covid-19 has already highlighted how workers doing essential jobs are underpaid for their work.  Read how a Basic Income Guarantee is a central feature of a renewed economy.

The current pandemic is a wakeup call that failing to take nature into account puts our own health in danger.  Read how protecting food security is essential in the post-Covid world.

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