Environmenal Justice NGOs Assert Priorities to New Territorial Ministers


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By alternativesnorth

Alternatives North, the Canadian Arctic Resources Committee, Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society – NWT Chapter, Council of Canadians – NWT Chapter, and Ecology North have sent letters to newly appointed territorial Cabinet Ministers asking for action on regulatory priorities.

The agencies have called on the territorial Ministers of Lands, of Justice, of Industry, Tourism and Investment, and of Environment and Natural Resources to ensure the involvement of the public and stakeholder groups in developing regulations for the Mineral Resources Act, Public Land Act, Protected Areas Act, and Environmental Rights Act, and in the creation of the proposed Forest Act

The agencies have asked that the “development process be workshopped with broad stakeholder involvement and that participant funding be made available since volunteers and unfunded projects cannot be relied on for this type of work”.

The groups also called for:

  • urgent action on the NWT Species at Risk Recovery Strategy for Barren Ground Caribou, including the urgent development of a consensus management agreement in time for the Assembly’s first winter session
  • new legislation to allow corporations to incorporate as “benefit corporations”.  This approach would establish a system where companies apply a monetary cost to their environmental and cultural impacts and create “environmental profit and loss statements”

Read the letters to the Ministers of:

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